Introductory Flights
Have you looked up to the sky and thought to yourself, “How can I become a pilot?” Well, it is easier than you might think, and it can have a tremendous impact on your life in more ways than you can imagine!
Flying is one of the most amazing, majestic, and rewarding things that you can do. Whether you want to fly to your second home up north for the weekend, fly to business meetings, or just take in the incredible view as you fly with your family and friends for lunch at an airport diner, visit us at Morey Airplane Company and learn how simple becoming a pilot really is.
- Introductory flight lessons are 1/2 hour hands on flying in a Cessna 152, 2 seat aircraft (weight limit of 160 lbs.) or in a Cessna 172, 4 seat aircraft.
- Gift certificates are available at the front desk for any amount.
Flight Training
FAA prescribes a minimum of 40 hours. However, the national average to obtain a private pilot certificate is approximately 60 hours. The Morey Flight School teaches to a performance standard, and as such, each individual student’s times may vary.
Estimated minimum total costs in a Cessna 152 are $7,700 and $8,200 in a Cessna 172N model. Estimated average total costs are $10,200 in a 152 and $11,500 in a 172. You must be 16 years old to be eligible for solo and 17 years old to be eligible for your private pilot certificate. All instruction is on an individual basis with our Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs).
Certificate Training
CFI Ratings allow you to teach others to fly. The instrument rating allows you greater flexibility when dealing with the weather and the commercial rating allows you to get paid to fly! It may also reduce your insurance prices.

Flight Reviews
Do you need a flight review in the near future? No problem. All of our instructors are fully qualified to give reviews and will take care of all the details to get you updated. Simply call Morey Airplane Company at 608-836-1711 to schedule your review. Please keep in mind that depending on the recency of experience, multiple ground and flight lessons may be required to complete the flight review. A minimum flight review requires at least one hour of ground instruction covering: airspace, rules and regulations, weather, performance, weight and balance, emergency procedures, and TFRs. The review also requires at least one hour of flight in which the applicant may be asked to demonstrate navigation techniques, landings, basic private pilot maneuvers, emergency procedures, and other maneuvers necessary for the safe operation of the aircraft.
When your flight review is scheduled, please study and be prepared to discuss:
- The sectional chart
- Airspace
- Intercept procedures (in the AIM)
- TFRs
- Emergency procedures (in the airplane POH)
- Normal procedures (in the airplane POH)
- Please plan a cross-country flight of your choice to a destination 50 miles away.
Please prepare a weight and balance for your aircraft to include:
- A passenger of 170 lbs.
- A full load of fuel (long range tanks on an N model 172, regular tanks on a 152).
- The takeoff and landing distance at that weight for current weather conditions.
- Our aircraft weight and balance information can be found under the “rentals” tab on this website.

PSI Testing Available
Register to take your written exam at Middleton Municipal Airport – Morey Field. First obtain a FTN through IACRA then register for your test using your FTN at Tests can be taken Tuesday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Central Standard Time.
Designated Medical Examiners
Currently there are two Designated Medical Examiners here at Middleton Municipal Airport – Morey Field. Ashley Anderson and Rick Lemon appointments can be made with either of them via email at or Ashley is available for Class I, II or III medicals and Rick is available for Class II or III medicals. Please email either DME to schedule your exam.