In order to maintain our reputation as a good neighbor airport, pilots operating out of Morey Field are requested to abide by the following procedures:
Runway 28 – After departing runway 28, turn to heading 300 until 1,928’ MSL before turning on course.
Runway 10 – after departing runway 10 maintain runway heading until 1,928’ MSL before turning on course. Do not enter Madison Class “C” airspace without establishing radio communications.
Runway 01 – After departing runway 01 maintain runway heading until 1,928 MSL before turning on course.
Runway 19 – After departing runway 19 maintain runway heading climb until 1,928 MSL before turning on course.
Staying in the Traffic Pattern
Runway 28 – After departing runway 28, turn to heading 300 until 1,928’ MSL before turning crosswind.
Runway 10 – After departing runway 10, turn crosswind over US-12. Lead the turn to prevent overflying the City of Middleton East of the Airport if possible, consistent with safety and aircraft performance.
Runway 01 – After departing runway 01, turn crosswind after Schneider Road and before Highway K, then turn base over US-14.
Runway 19 – After departing runway 19, turn crosswind over US-14 then turn base before reaching Highway K.
NOTE: Climb at maximum rate until pattern altitude is recommended.
Please note that when flying the pattern for runway 28 we are no longer requesting you to turn crosswind over the power lines. Also, recently we have received several overflight complaints from neighbors. Please consider adopting the following practices:
- When departing runway 10 please wait until over the highway before starting your crosswind turn, climbing out over the houses on the hill is easily avoidable.
- When practicing instrument approaches to runway 10 please use pattern altitude as your MDA / DA, and circling altitude. This keeps us higher over the residence on the hills west and south of the airport.
- When landing on runway 19 please keep your downwind over the highway. This avoids flying low over the residences south of the gravel pit.
A little consideration goes a long way. Lets be as good of neighbors as possible!